Community digital

What we do

We help public and
private organizations
to develop digital
transformation processes
with a positive impact
on people’s lives.
To achieve this, we focus on:

1. Research

To  understand the problems and challenges  faced by state organizations, companies and persons when technology becomes a part of their life.
To imagine, design and plan the digital society of the future with a basis on respect towards persons as a value.

2. Innovation

To  build new social, economic and cultural dynamics  that optimize resources, improve distribution of results and include the most vulnerable populations.
To leverage digital transformation as a value-adding tool in organizations.

3. Solutions development

To  apply the results of research and innovation  through initiatives that positively affect people’s lives.
To  situate digital transformation stemming from thought, but especially from public action. .

4. Promotion
of in-company capabilities

To  make available research, innovation and solutions  to organizations, enabling feedback coming from those facing the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation on a daily basis.
To  put into practice co-creation methodologies  that lead to learning and challenging theory through collective action.

5. Synergy creation

To approach digital transformation as an  inter-sector, interdisciplinary challenge  demanding highly articulated efforts. To build bridges between digital initiatives physically apart but sharing similar transformation goals.

What we believe in

We believe in digital transformation…

1. As  a window of opportunity  for Latin American countries to make progress towards social and economic development.

2. As a phenomenon that demands an  interdisciplinary approach and high-quality research leading to the design and development of solutions encompassing diverse realities of both countries and individuals.

3. As an  unstoppable process  requiring creative, disruptive and inclusive social changes for every person in Latin America.

4. As a  gathering space  for all those who drive research, propel solutions development and bring about innovation, fostering its propagation and its appropriation by society.

5.  As responsible, respectful  and aware of the diverse ways of being and feeling of people in different Latin American contexts.

Agrotech - La revolución digital del agro.

24 de Agosto de 2024

INIA Treinta y Tres 

 8:30 a 16:25 horas 

  • Herramientas y soluciones tecnológicas de avanzada para el sector agropecuario.

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